Tuesday, October 27, 2009

life without the shift key ...

lets begin this blog with a question .... how important is the shift key in our life ... well i guess none of us has really thought about it ... reason being, why would you .... unless ofcourse you were forced to ... so here i am ... for some reason both the shift keys on my lappy aint working ... and am having to work without them till i get it corrected ....

when i first realised this, i couldnt care less .. thought how much will it affect me anyway ... huh ... but don't they say u don't know what u got till it goes away .... well thats exactly what was happening to me rite now ...

if you haven’t already noticed .... therz not a single letter in this blog in capitals ... there aint no question marks, no exclamation marks and emoticons .... no brackets .... no quotes ... no absolutely nothing ... but i guess what i miss most right now is that sign called 'at the rate' ... coz minus that i can't log into my email, my messenger, nor my facebook and not even this blog ...

as i do for all life's questions, i went google ... looked for a few blogs and articles where ppl had similar problems and requested for solutions … but nothing seemed to work … and I knew there is no way I can correct this on my own …

but then again ... am being followed by the moon shadow ... so iv begun to c this as an opportunity to see how bland our life is without the shift key ... and how i can work around it ....

ofcourse i can use the caps lock key to make a few characters in capital .... but what about the other functions of the shift key .... how do i make all the emoticons and the all important sign 'at the rate' ....

well, I went google again ….. n boy did it come to my rescue once again ... here i typed ''at the rate'' and picked the sign up from a search result ... same way i looked up the 'question mark', 'exclamation mark', 'colons', ‘brackets’ for emoticons and a couple of others that mattered ....

soon i became efficient on working around it …. copied all these signs in a notepad document .... so i can copy paste the signs as and when needed ... and now things seem alright ... most problems i was facing without the shift key were okay ... things werent the same without it ... i could not do a 'shift del' ... but then onscreen keyboard is another way out ... still i couldn't do things as fast as always ....

things were not impossible, but yeah they were uncomfortable ... not the best, but i could survive ...

but quite a shift from regular life, isn’t it .... v all have got so used to it ... and don’t quite imagine a life without it till its gone ...

well iv begun to see it as a metaphor .... how some things, come into our life and become such an important part of it that and when they leave they leave a vacuum in our life ...

life isn't really impossible without them ... but u know, its a lil uncomfortable ... you might not be at your best, but could survive ...

not that things are really comparable …. but shift key and my experience with it might be a microcosm of how things work in life …. i tried to resolve the problems, trying to get back to normal … but when they dint work out, i started to took for a life around it …. accepted it as a given ....

well ... the comp guy should be here tomorrow to correct it .... apparently its a petty job for him and my e-life should go back to normal with the shift key back .... but i guess life's problems cannot be corrected as easily as in a computer ...

so i shall end this blog with the only emoticon i can make right now ... ;P

Here I am, this is ME !!!

Well ... here I am, this is ME .... and this is my first ....

Dunno why I didn’t do this earlier ... I mean started a blog .... but I guess it was always just a question of 'WHEN' rather than a question of 'IF' I will ... and I guess that applies to a lot of other things in my life as well ... I mean WHEN rather than IF !!! ... neway ... we will ponder over those some other day ...

This blog will be my mirror ... rather the ЯΣΛЯVIΣЩMIЯЯӨЯ ... uncut ... uncensored ... what I think when I think

so as I said ... here I am, this is me ... and this was my first ....