Sunday, December 13, 2009

& the last few weekends were LEGEND ... wait for it .... DARY ;P

Captain's Log, stardate 14.9 ..... errrrr ... I mean Metzy's blog, date 14.12.09

Well, for last few weeks I haven’t really had the time to blog, and come to think of it, its actually a good thing. For a change rather than just blabbering I was actually doing some stuff. In order to follow the footsteps of my idol 'Barney LEGENDARY Stinson' I really needed to 'pen down' ... errrr 'type out' whats been happening all this while ... so here I am again ....

Well theres lots happening on this planet 'Work' for a change. It being the year end, the native species is having to slog their asses in office. Even on weekends at times. Lots of travel and lots and lots and lots of work, but for some reason am still not complaining.

Maybe the real reason for the work not taking its toll on me is that my life outside the office has finally kick started. I finally decided that I will come out of my shell and venture out now ... come out of the afterglow and follow it no more .... well so I tried a few new and different things ....

1. picked up a couple of nice books ... Wikinomics being a highly recommended one...
2. watch atleast one play each week ... The play 'Class of 84' being a highly recommended one here
3. a bit of adventure sports, while I tried my hand at paint ball but my latest favorite being rock climbing .... Youv gotta try these to know what am talking bout here
4. started playing table tennis occasionally ... well 8-10 years of not playing can really rust your skills
5. hit the gym again ... hmmmmm .... errrr ..... not regularly but just enough i guess
6. even the work trips to Delhi have proven rejuvenating ...
7. partieng a bit ... funny thing wherever i go these days I run into someone or the other ...
Last few weekends leading up to the Christmas Eve and the New Years have always been fun ... and they havent been very different this year either ....

Well, but now what i need is a TIME OUT. After the rather weird YEAR THAT WAS, even more so. But guess I will reflect on the  'Year That Was' closer to the NY eve. Anyway ... as for the TIME OUT am taking a trip to Phuket on the Christmas Eve with a couple of friends. That shall give me a looooong deserved break.

Wish u all a Merry Chrishmas ... and i shall be back to wish you NY as well ....